A Magical Fish and Golden Slippers – China’s Cinderella

I am fascinated by how various folk/fairy tales occur in widely different parts of the world and yet have a very similar stories, and none has surprised me more than the Tale of Yeh Xian (Yeh Shan),  the Chinese Cinderella.


Nowadays many children probably think that Walt Disney Disney_Cinderella_princesscreated the story of Cinderella and many other fairy tales such as Snow White and Beauty & The Beast. However Disney was using tales that had been known and told in Europe for hundreds of years. It was actually a Frenchman, Charles Perrault, who wrote down the story we know of as Cinderella (and other famous tales) and that was way back in 1697 AD.  Many of his stories were then picked up and re-told by the Brothers Grimm, and then, thousands of children’s books later, they arrived on Walt Disney’s drawing board.

The tale of Yeh Xian pre-dates any western version of the Cinderella story by almost 1000 years. It was first written down in a book called YuYang Tsa Tsu which was a collection of  weird and supernatural folk tales from the oral tradition which had become well known. This particular tale was said to come from the region near Nanning, a southern city in Guanxi province which abuts Vietnam. Despite being so much older than the western Cinderella story, and having being written down half a world away, the similarities are striking – see what you think.

Once upon a time – long, long ago – there was a Chieftan who had two wives. His first wife bore him a daughter Yeh Xian, but sadly his wife died. He remarried and his second wife also bore him a daughter, Jun Li.  His second wife was always resentful of his first daughter who was beautiful, kind and charming, whereas her own daughter had the skin of un-husked rice and a mean character.

When the Chieftan himself died, the 2nd Wife had Yeh Xian banished to the kitchens to work , to go and cut wood, or to go and draw water from dangerously deep wells as if she were one of the lowest rank of servants.  She was only given old and tattered clothes to wear.  Poor Yeh Xian was very unhappy.magic fish 

One day when drawing water she caught a fish with red fins and golden eyes,  she took the fish and placed it in the pond behind her home. Each evening she would take any scraps of food she could find and take them to the pond to feed the fish, which grew and grew. Whenever Yeh Xian came to the pond and called  the fish it would come to the surface and pillow its head on the edge of the pond as Yeh Xian spoke softly to it. It would not appear for anyone else. 

The 2nd Wife saw this happen and decided to do something about it; she gave Yeh Xian a new jacket and sent her on an errand to a distant village.  Then she put on Yeh Xian’s old jacket, and hiding a knife in her sleeve she went to the pond.  Imitating Yeh Xian’s voice she summoned the fish, and when it rose up through the water she killed it, took it back to the kitchen and had it cooked for dinner – everyone thought it was the most delicious fish they had ever tasted.  The evil stepmother had the fish bones thrown on the dungheap. 

When Yeh Xian returned from her errand and discovered what had happened she was terribly distressed and wept for the fish.  Suddenly a little old man – probably one of her ancestors – appeared and instructed her to retrieve the fish bones, put them in a bowl in her room and whatever she wanted she should ask the bones and she would have it.  And so she did.

chinese cinderella ye shen

Now the time of Spring Festival arrived, the 2nd Wife and her daughter decked out in their finery set off for the celebrations because this was the time for young maidens to meet potential husbands.  Yeh Xian was left at home.  She asked the fish bones for their help and suddenly found herself clad in the most beautiful green silk robe, with jade and other fine jewellery adorning her.


Her dainty feet were wearing a pair of exquisite little golden slippers, and over it all she was wearing  a fabulous cloak made of kingfishers’ feathers.

golden shoesLooking absolutely lovely, she hurried to join the Spring Festival celebrations.  Late in the evening she noticed her stepmother and Jun Li had seen her and were wondering who she was.  In a panic she ran from the celebrations, and as she ran she dropped one of her golden slippers.  By the time the stepmother and Jun Li returned she was asleep, having put on her old clothes and hidden her beautiful new garments.                                      

Meanwhile someone at the celebrations had picked up the golden slipper and deciding it was valuable sold it to a merchant who sold it on to the King of a nearby state.                   He was mesmerised by this tiny slipper, and had all the women of his court try it on, but none could fit it. He then had all the women of his kingdom try the slipper, but again, every foot was too big. He was desperate to find the owner of the slipper , and had the merchant tortured as to where he had acquired it. The merchant told him that it was from an adjoining region – so he sent his courtiers to search all the houses in that region and so Yeh Xian, who had the other golden slipper was discovered and of course they fit her perfectly.

She dressed in her fine clothes and carrying her precious fish bones with her, she was taken to the King who made her his first wife.                                                                       Shortly afterwards, the wicked Stepmother and her daughter were killed in an avalance of flying rocks and the villagers buried them in a grave marked ‘The Tomb of the Regretful Women’.

I have a theory (and if anyone reading this is an academic folklorist, please correct me if I am wrong) that this tale would have been told orally in China, and thus have travelled from person to person along the fabled Silk Roads until it reached the west, where it altered slightly over time and entered the canon of western fairy tales . It seems to me that it is too unlikely that two such similar tales could arise spontaneously in different parts of the world, and the fact that the Chinese written version supercedes our own version by so many years clinched it for me.

About herschelian

Started my 60s by moving to China with my DH. Surprised to find I am still here in Beijing eight years later - still finding it an adventure!
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15 Responses to A Magical Fish and Golden Slippers – China’s Cinderella

  1. Kit says:

    Facinating! If slightly grimmer than our version – I don’t remember torture and fish murder happening even in the Grimms fairy tales.

  2. markb4 says:

    It’s beautiful to see how fables and fairy tales get influenced by different cultures and get modified every time they reach a new ear.

  3. Sheila Taylor says:

    Also interesting when you think how the Chinese/ Japanese revered small (bound feet).

  4. Mia Mei says:

    Thank you for telling me this story in more detail. I am still little but I love princesses. I will ask my daddy to explain this to me better. When I learn something new about princesses or China, I will tell you, too.

    Thanks for the pictures too!!

    • herschelian says:

      Ni hao Mia Mei! – Thank you for visiting my blog. I so am glad you enjoyed the story of China’s Cinderella, you should be proud that this story began in China, long before we in the west had a similar tale. You will enjoy learning about China’s culture from your mom and dad (and grandparents) as you grow up. I live in China now, and I find it really fascinating. I will try to find some other stories that might interest you. Best wishes.

  5. Pingback: China's Cinderella - Golden Slippers and Magic Fish

  6. Pingback: How to say Cinderella in 9 Different Languages | How I Learned to Be Me

  7. equinoxio21 says:

    Your theory is quite possble. Levi-Strauss studied the myths of American indian tribes from BC (British Colombia) all the way down to Tierra del fuego. Conclusion, most myths are the same, sometimes inverted, sometimes mixed up, but most myths are the same, passed on from tribe to ribe, migrant (from Asia) to another. So maybe the story of Yeh Xian went all the way west. Thanks for sharing.
    Take care

    • herschelian says:

      Ni hao Brian,
      Thank you for your response to what is now a rather old posting of mine! I do find it particularly fascinating how stories – and songs – move from people to people and from place to place. I have now googled Levi-Strauss (thanks for the introduction!) and understand what you are saying. Mythology is an important part of who we all are – even in this digital/internet age.
      Do hope you will drop by my blog again one day – I certainly plan to visit yours, as we have much in common; having both grown up in Africa. Me in what is now Zambia, and you in Conakry. An African childhood is such a privilege;
      Zai jian, Jo

      • equinoxio21 says:

        Jambo Memsahib! I doubt that Swahili extends all the way to Zambia, although maybe… Checked your “about”, we probably coincided roughly in those parts of the world: lived in Kenya in the late sixties, picked up a bit of Swahili. 🙂
        My compliments on your learning mandarin. I speak a few languages but i’m not sure I would be up to Mandarin. Though it most certainly is fun.
        A bientôt.

  8. Pingback: Cinderelly, Cinderelly, Which Cinderelly? – Living After

  9. amystoryteller says:

    There is an even older version of Cinderella: the ancient Egyptian story of Rhodopis. But the beginning of this Chinese story is more similar to the beginning of the Western Cinderellas. It’s fascinating, isn’t it?

  10. Fascinating version of the story! As someone who studied the progression of “Cinderella” for some of the earliest performances of folklore I undertook alongside my storytelling partner Amy Robinson, I can set your mind at rest about the genesis of the tale. “Cinderella” is actually based on a true story: a Greek slave called Rhodopis, who we know to have existed, and who ended up marrying an Egyptian pharaoh – *possibly* because he found her shoe (the Egyptians themselves claimed that Horus turned into a hawk, stole her shoe, and dropped it in the pharaoh’s lap).

    But it’s easier to see how the bird aid for Rhodopis morphed into the marine aid for Yeh Xian, rather than the fairy aid for Perrault’s Cinderella or the dead mother aid for the Grimms’ Aschenputel. It looks like the story may have actually split up and gone both east and west – China took the hawk and adapted it into a fish, while Europe took Horus and adapted him into a helpful spirit/sprite.

    Anyhoo – thank you for your blog! Our research into this subject is neverending, like history itself…

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